Upcoming Tibetan Cranial Apprenticeship Trainings
Upcoming Trainings for New & Continuing TC Apprentices
May 22-27th 2025- Mother Cabrini Shrine, Golden, CO
September 11-16th, 2025- Location TBA in Colorado
This training is open to new and continuing Apprentices. New Apprentices will work with our Teachers and continuing Apprentices for significant portions of the program. Registration coming soon!
Introduction to the Tibetan Cranial [TC] Apprentice Program
To become a Tibetan Cranial® Practitioner, a two- to four-year program of instruction, study, and practice is required. We call this process “Apprenticeship,” in the same way other fine crafts have been taught throughout history. Working under Master Teacher Shar Lee, Apprentices develop the ability to hear the language of the pulses in order to know exactly what each client needs. Developing this skill takes training, practice, patience, humility, time, and dedication. Apprentices also cultivate a strong spiritual practice that allows them to sustain a sacred state of mantra or prayer throughout a Tibetan Cranial session. Connection to Spirit allows for information to be received and understood in a more precise way, thus opening the possibility for the client to heal from within.
For more info click here.