TC Clinics – Open to the Public
Upcoming Events in 2025:
FEBRUARY 21-23, 2025:
Tibetan Cranial Lecture & Demonstration
Friday February 21st, 2025 7-9pm
Where: Una Vida, Longmont Colorado
* There is no registration needed for this event – see you there!
Tibetan Cranial Clinic: SIGN UP BY CLICKING HERE
Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
Sessions available from 11am to 4:30pm both days
Where: Una Vida, Longmont Colorado
Tibetan Cranial Lecture & Demonstration by Linda Moreau
March 7, 2025 6:30-8:30pm
Where: St. Croix Healing Center, Hudson WI
Tibetan Cranial Lecture & Demonstration
Friday July 18th, 2025 7-9pm
Where: Location TBA Denver, Colorado
* There is no registration needed for this event – see you there!
Tibetan Cranial Clinic
Saturday, July 19-20th, 2025
Sessions available from 11am to 4:30pm both days
Where: Location TBA Denver, Colorado
About Tibetan Cranial Events
Free TC Lectures and Demonstrations
Meet Shar Lee, Master Teacher and Lineage Holder of the Tibetan Cranial work, as well as TC
Apprentices and Practitioners. Shar will share the amazing journey that led her to learn,
practice, and now teach the ancient healing art of Tibetan Cranial. At the end of her talk, she will
answer questions about the work and the TC Apprentice program. Shar will offer a short
demonstration session to one person, not to show techniques, but to give the group an
experience of this work.
People attending this talk will also have a chance to sign up for a session in the clinic held on
Saturday and Sunday, if space is available. Please sign up for a clinic appointment in advance
to have the best chance of ensuring that a spot is available for you.
Clinics are a great opportunity to get an experience of the Tibetan Cranial work and see what it
is all about, while helping our community of Apprentices further their craft. Our Apprentices will
begin the session and receive instruction from Shar Lee, Teacher Interns, and other
Practitioners during the session. Shar or a Practitioner will personally finish each session. We
invite you to experience these sessions at a reduced rate as a token of our appreciation for your
support of our growing community of healing artists. You will meet our Apprentices and have an
opportunity to set future appointments.
Waiting List: If our upcoming clinic is full and you would like to be on a waiting list for any spots
that open up as a result of cancellations, please send an email to admin@tibetancranial.org,
including your phone number and days/times you would be available.
TC sessions are always available with our Apprentices and Practitioners.
Click here to find a TC Apprentice or Practitioner in your area.
Want to learn more about Tibetan Cranial?
Visit these links for more information:
Who Can Benefit? What to Expect From Your Session Sign Up Here