Our Nonprofit Organization
Tibetan Cranial nearly became extinct as a result of the Chinese invasion of Tibet. When Shar Lee, Master Teacher and Lineage Holder, realized that she was the sole person to whom this teaching was passed by the last-surviving Tibetan monk practitioner, she dedicated herself to preserving this work, teaching others to do it, and expanding the number of people who experience it. Toward this end, Shar formed the Tibetan Cranial Association, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.
The Tibetan Cranial Association’s mission is to assure the preservation of Tibetan Cranial in a manner true to its historical roots. The Association seeks to fulfill its mission by sponsoring training programs for those wishing to learn this healing art, offering clinics and other events that expand the number of people who can experience TC, spreading awareness about Tibetan Cranial, and supporting TC Practitioners and Apprentices.
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually by its members. Currently, the Directors consist of Shar Lee and a number of Practitioners. Tibetan Cranial Practitioner Lidia Garner serves as President. Nancy Sparrow guides the organization’s day-to-day activities as Executive Director. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the Association, please call 720-378-8044.
Tibetan Cranial continues to exist in part because of the generosity of donors. Donations enable us to provide scholarships to Apprentices in our training program and to support our operations. We need your support. Please donate today to enable us to continue teaching this valuable Tibetan Cranial work:
Tibetan Cranial is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
You also may donate to sponsor an Apprentice directly by paying for all or a portion of an individual’s training expenses. Please call us at 720-378-8044 or send an email to admin@tibetancranial.org for more information about how you can help sponsor a TC Apprentice.